We are proud to announce that sponsored posts and guest posts are now available for publishing on NotATether.com. Are you a famous personality in the crypto industry and want to get your opinion out? Or perhaps you are a business looking to grow your brand and receive more customers? Now you can offer our users great reading content while getting your message out. With the crypto world growing fast and Bitcoin breaking price records, there has never been a better time for advertising!
Submit Sponsored Post
To submit a sponsored post, send us an email or use another contact method on our Contact page. The title of your email should be “Sponsored Post Request”. This will help us find the email quicker. We prefer that the body should either contain a link to the article file or the article as a document attachment, although full articles in the message body are also fine as long as it’s readable. You must also submit a cover image. Please also tell us the name of the organization you represent and a link to their homepage or page on their website for linkback purposes.
The fee for sponsored posts is 0.0025 BTC per post. In return, your post will feature on a special section near the top of the page for at least two weeks.
Submit Guest Post
To submit a guest post, send us an email or use another contact method on our Contact page. The title of your email should be “Guest Post Request”. This will help us find the email quicker. We prefer that the body should either contain a link to the article file or the article as a document attachment, although full articles in the message body are also fine as long as it’s readable. You must also submit a cover image.
Guest posts are absolutely free to submit, though we kindly request that you link back to our post in return.
We also do textual interview requests and we would be more than happy to feature you or your project on our website. Just follow the same instructions as in “Submit Guest Post” but replace the subject title with “Interview Request”.