Academy Code Life

Why Is Secp256k1 Curve So Famous?

A Choice In The Fundamental Basics of Bitcoin Crypto-currency, or mainly Bitcoin, has become a household name. For the right reasons, obviously. It’s an aim and dream of taking the world from a centralized authority towards the freedom of decentralization. However, this freedom comes at great complexities and costs of energy (in form of electricity),…Continue readingWhy Is Secp256k1 Curve So Famous?


Bitcoin Transaction Fees and ways to reduce it

High Bitcoin transaction fees are one of the reasons for the fear of beginners in the cryptocurrency market. But there are ways to reduce it that will help you pay less for your own transactions. When the blockchain gets overloaded and many customers flock to Bitcoin, we see an increase in transaction fees. So the…Continue readingBitcoin Transaction Fees and ways to reduce it