Latest Tools

Truncate Text Tool

Welcome! Here you can use this tool to truncate an text you enter to a certain number of characters. It is very useful for things like trimming of programming text that is sticking out from the side (just kidding). But seriously, using the Line-by-line mode, you can truncate many lines at once. How to use…Continue readingTruncate Text Tool

Latest Tools

Repeat Text Tool

Welcome! Here you can use this tool to repeat any of the text you enter. Just tell us how many times you want the text to repeat, and it will repeat it that many times for you. Even fractional repetitions are supported! How to use repeat text tool In the “Text to repeat” box, you…Continue readingRepeat Text Tool

Latest Tools

Split Text Tool

Welcome! Here you can use this tool to split any text you enter. It supports splitting by character, regex, and text length. This split text tool also doubles as a Join Text tool; just input your lines, and use “Regex” split method, separated by newline (\n) (On Windows use \r\n), and the delimiter to be…Continue readingSplit Text Tool

Latest Tools

Reverse Text Tool

Welcome! Here you can use this tool to reverse any text you enter. Although it is extremely basic and can be accomplished using dozens of other tools, this is essentially the “Hello World” of tools. How to use reverse text tool First of all, you have “Text to reverse”, which is where you type the…Continue readingReverse Text Tool