
Details of the COPA complaint from Craig Wright

The whitepaper is the first Bitcoin specification that includes the goals and roadmap of this currency and was introduced to the world in 2008 by an unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto. This whitepaper is one of the most prized assets of Bitcoin’s history. But the interesting thing is that Craig Wright claims that the real…Continue readingDetails of the COPA complaint from Craig Wright

Satoshi Nakamoto

People claiming to be Satoshi (List of Faketoshis)

DISCLOSURE: I don’t believe any of these people to be Satoshi.Continue readingPeople claiming to be Satoshi (List of Faketoshis)

Satoshi Nakamoto

Has someone made a “buy with bitcoins” button?

I mean an image. You know a nice one that people can put on their checkout webpages.Continue readingHas someone made a “buy with bitcoins” button?

Satoshi Nakamoto

Bitcoin generation broken in 0.3.8? (64-bit)

I was starting to wonder when my systems seemed to quit generating coins if there was something going on.Continue readingBitcoin generation broken in 0.3.8? (64-bit)