
Sabertooth z87 and 6 280x

I only get the os to recognize 4 gpus, not sure if I need to jump some pci-e pins or not, or maybe I’m missing something else.

The following content was written by ivanlabrie on January 02, 2014, 07:05:44 PM in the thread Sabertooth z87 and 6 280x. All content is owned by the author of the post. (original)

Hi, anyone gotten this to work? I’m using Win 8 currently…trying to avoid bamt since I want a 64 bit os for cpu mining and easier to setup monitoring and remote control (can’t setup port forward with my isp)

I only get the os to recognize 4 gpus, not sure if I need to jump some pci-e pins or not, or maybe I’m missing something else.

The following content was written by frostamation on January 03, 2014, 12:24:48 AM in the thread Sabertooth z87 and 6 280x. All content is owned by the author of the post. (original)

are you using powered or unpowered pcie risers? i ask because some people have had luck getting their gpus to recognize with powered risers and not having to jump the pcie port with a wire.

The following content was written by frostamation on January 03, 2014, 12:31:06 AM in the thread Sabertooth z87 and 6 280x. All content is owned by the author of the post. (original)

heres some info about the pcie jump and risers

The following content was written by ivanlabrie on January 03, 2014, 02:06:28 AM in the thread Sabertooth z87 and 6 280x. All content is owned by the author of the post. (original)

Thanks, I read a guide there…before trying this.

I’m using powered risers. Maybe I lack the correct chipset drivers to enable the two pci-e 2.0 slots that don’t feed off the cpu?
I did install a chipset driver but it didn’t help.

Gonna try bamt 1.2 tomorrow and see if ti runs.

By Ali Sherief

Editor-in-chief and serial coder & blogger.